Systems Theory & Understanding Human Behaviour

Systems Theory & Understanding Human Behaviour

Systems Theory & Understanding Human Behaviour
12 - October - 2021 - 13 - October - 2021

Duration: 2 Days

Venue Address
Life Coaching with MG office + online


Systems theory: is the inter-disciplinary study of systems, and how they affect our human behaviour. LIFE IS A SYSTEM, YOUR FAMILY IS A SYSTEM, THE UNIVERSE IS A SYSTEM, YOUR BODY IS A SYSTEM, EVEN YOUR ORGANS. WHAT ARE THE RULES THAT GOVERN SYSTEMS. THINK IN TERMS OF SYSTEMS. LEARN BEHAVIOUR IN SYSTEMS. HOW SYSTEMS AFFECT BEHAVIOUR. Why I am the one who cares the most? why am I the one who doesn't care? Why my mam loves my sister/brother? Why my father loves my sister/brother more? What is a family system? how does it function and why? What are the rules in a system? How does it imply a certain behaviour on the family members? How a system is formed? functions? grows or ends? Why and when do i feel I want /or do want to join a system?? Entanglements and behaviour.. Carrying the family weights.. Roles in the system.. Nurturing on the system.. Understanding Systemic terms, and how they affect our human behaviour: - Emergence - Auto-poiesis (Homoeostasis) - Contingency - Cybernetics - Control Loop, feedback - Chaotic states Studying the Systems Theory lead us to the light of systemic thinking, and thinking in a systemic way. (In terms of universal laws governing systems; nature, astrology, body, families, organisations, teams, businesses and even in machines) Thinking systemically, makes us understand how things work within any given system, in a family system, a sports team, departmental teams, corporations, etc.. A great thinking tool, that helps people on the path to the light: - Coaches, - Therapists, and - Inner-work individuals - Leaders - Awakened Parents To shed the light on challenges that we face in our day to day behaviour and Unconscious thinking patterns / mental programs. A tool that helps you in critical thinking and root cause analysis. #Leaders and #Managers, check your departmental dynamics against the systems theory, and how that can be the reason of some challenges you are facing with your team(s). Once Awakened, Do you still want to continue to play this role?! What's limiting you.? What's empowering you ? Wake up to the limiting, empower yourself, and /or your clients as a coach. #Coaching #Behavior #Leadership #SystemicThinking #SystemsTheory Tusday -March 16th Wednesday - March 17th 6pm - 10pm (Cairo Local time)


About MG Holistic Coaching:

About ICI and the coach profile:

More videos on MG YouTube Channel:
Youtube channel - Mohamed ElGhandour - محمد الغندور

Investment USD: 155$
Investment EGP: 2,400L.E

Clients rate USD: 130$
Clients rate Egyptian: 2,000L.E

Earlybird USD: 100$
Earlybird EGP: 1,600L.E
Early bird Deadline:

Client + New Friend USD: 200$
Client + New Friend EGP: 3,200L.E

Repeat course USD: 65$
Repeat course EGP: 1,000L.E

Booking Notes: Book your place: +20 100 216 82 42& chose a payment method.- Vodafone cash- Fawry payment- Bank deposit /transfer available

Mobile: +201002168242
