Pace & Lead: The Art of Persuasion: Leadership & Coaching

Pace & Lead: The Art of Persuasion: Leadership & Coaching

Pace & Lead: The Art of Persuasion: Leadership & Coaching
19 - September - 2021 - 26 - September - 2020

Duration: 3 days

Venue Address
Life Coaching with MG office + online


الفنون الاساسية للاقناع: استيقظ من غفلة طريقتك التقليدية للتعامل مع الاخرين لاقناعهم. و تجنب المقاومة و إهدار طاقاتك. تستطيع أن تقود الاخرين بسهولة و يسر. مهارة اساسية لكل من يريد ان يكون مؤثرا فى دوائره و حياته: - لكل قائد، مدير - لكل كوتش، - لكل زوج و زوجة - لكل ام و اب - لكل انسان يريد أن يؤثر فى الدوائر المحيطة به - و يحيى فى سلام التفكير الايجابى المتوازن. "ان للناس أكواخا من عقائدهم فلا تهدموها عليهم ولكن ابنوا لهم قصورا فاذا دخلوها هدموا أكواخهم بأيديهم " لـــ الأمام على رضى الله عنه

*PACE & LEAD* The Art of Persuasion & Influencing life around you. *WAKE UP* - Understand yourself and the world *CLEAN UP* - Your blockages your resistance *GROW UP* - to meet your grace *SHOW UP* - Influence the world - Wake up to the model you use, enough facing resistance from those around you. - Empower yourself, influence your relationships with this ancient brilliant model of influencing life through questioning and/or persuasion tact and techniques. In this time phased program, Learn to be tactful over a period of 2 weeks, so you will have the time and guidance to practice the tools you get, and see the results for yourself. *ETHOS* - Through Intention in action. - How to build trust & respect through goodwill. *PATHOS* - Boost people dopamine levels ( the leadership hormone) - How to reduce people resistance. - Learn win - Win - How to motivate others. - Positive psychology mind-set & paradigm. *LOGOS* - How to sell your ideas. - Apply positive psychology & emotional intelligence in action. - How to Apply this ancient wisdom: Tact is the art of making your points, without making an enemy. ~ Isaac Newton We build too many walls and not enough bridges. ~ Isaac Newton Nature, to be commanded, must be obeyed. ~ Francis Bacon Cooperate with the inevitable. ~ Dale Carnegie Learn the art of persuasion, Aristotle initiated it, other great philosophers followed up. They set the grounds to win people to your way of thinking, smoothly, peacefully & tactfully leading your life. --- Time phased program: 5pm-10pm Sunday Sep. 19th Thursday Sep. 23rd Sunday. Sep. 26th


About MG Holistic Coaching:

About ICI and the coach profile:

More videos on MG YouTube Channel:
Youtube channel - Mohamed ElGhandour - محمد الغندور

Investment USD: 225$
Investment EGP: 3,500L.E

Clients rate USD: 195$
Clients rate Egyptian: 3,000L.E

Earlybird USD: 160$
Earlybird EGP: 2,500L.E
Early bird Deadline:

Client + New Friend USD: $
Client + New Friend EGP: L.E

Repeat course USD: $
Repeat course EGP: L.E

Booking Notes:

Mobile: +201002168242

Book: Booking and payment: Book your place: +20100 2168